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We have always insisted on cultivating talents in fetal medicine. We believe that only through

Only through "continuous education" and "on-the-job improvement" can we develop top-notch fetal medicine professionals.


International clinical research fellowship

International Clinical Training Physician Training Program

International clinical research fellowship

International Cleft Lip and Palate Research Physician Training Program

International Fellowship of Facial Cleft Treatment-
From Prenatal Ultrasound Diagnosis to Postnatal Surgical Repair

During the COVID-19 epidemic, Taiwan has witnessed the friendship of mutual assistance and mutual benefit among the international community. Six countries, including the United States, Japan, Lithuania, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland, have donated vaccines. We also hope to spread the power of kindness to the world, indirectly help families with facial abnormalities around the world, and deepen medical cooperation with relatively friendly countries.

自 2017 年 12 月起,北醫顱顏中心陳國鼎醫師團隊與台灣產前診斷權威台兒診所合作,開立「胎兒唇顎裂聯合門診」。在台兒診所胎檢醫師精確診斷唇顎裂的形式與程度後,可以透過整形外科團隊精確且完整地,向準父母們說明孩子出生後的治療計畫與預後,幫助家長思考及判斷,並有效降低異常胎兒出生後對於家庭的身心衝擊。 雙方合作長達四年的唇顎裂聯合醫療諮詢的模式,不僅榮獲國家品質標章的認證,也堪稱為台灣唇顎裂醫療模式的典範。 本計畫以鼓勵交流學習的方式,邀請有志於從事胎兒顱顏異常診斷及治療的國際醫師至我國進行研修,透過完整的訓練計畫,向國際社會回應善意,並分享台灣創新的顱顏醫療技術和經驗。

Join the Cleft Palate Research Physician Training Program ! Application Guide



Fetal Medicine Workshop




Congenital heart disease is one of the most common congenital abnormalities in infants and young children.

Prenatal ultrasound screening can provide an opportunity to find out early whether the fetus is sick.


Since 2017, the Association has been discussing fetal congenital heart disease cases with the Department of Pediatric Cardiology of Taipei Mackay Hospital and the Department of Pediatric Cardiology of National Taiwan University Hospital every three months, exchanging views with pediatric cardiologists and pediatric cardiac surgeons on issues such as prenatal ultrasound imaging, postnatal diagnosis, surgical treatment and care.

Welcome to register for the CHD quarterly meeting on July 12, 2024! Click here to register online


Northern District Fetal Imaging Quarterly Meeting

Since May 2013, our association has been cooperating with the Taipei Veterans General Hospital Radiology Department to hold regular meetings every quarter to review classic cases of antenatal fetal abnormalities and discuss the collaborative model of antenatal ultrasound imaging and fetal magnetic resonance imaging.

We have established a cross-institutional expert cooperation network to enable peer support and communication, provide common learning opportunities for colleagues interested in fetal imaging, and jointly improve the quality of fetal medical diagnosis.


Interested parties are welcome to register for the Fetal Imaging Quarterly Meeting on July 11, 2024! Click here to register online


Neonatal Case Discussion

Starting from 2022, it will be held every three months. The birth of every abnormal child requires medical experts from various departments to jointly monitor the child's condition from prenatal screening to postnatal treatment. We hope to improve prenatal ultrasound screening technology and accumulate knowledge on the care of special newborns through exchanges between medical experts on "prenatal and postnatal".




Dr. Motoyoshi Kawataki of the Department of Pediatric Cardiology at the Kanagawa Prefectural Children's Medical Center in Japan has devoted his life to the study of fetal cardiac ultrasound and has collected more than a thousand STIC files on various fetal heart diseases.

Since 2013, we have started studying fetal heart disease with Dr. Kawataki in order to train young doctors and ultrasound technicians who are interested in fetal heart ultrasound screening.
The "Taiwanese Kawataki School" will be opened in 2023. Lectures on fetal heart disease will be held every two weeks. Through online distance learning, Dr. Kawataki will guide each student online for in-depth learning.

Welcome to apply for the 2024 Taierchuan Takijuku! Click here to register online



In the field of fetal medicine, in addition to fetal structure and chromosomes, there is another very important area that needs to be developed, namely "fetal treatment."

The Association has linked up with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the National Taiwan University Hospital to hold the "Fetal Treatment Quarterly Meeting" in the hope of linking the two fields of prenatal diagnosis and fetal treatment.




Successful medical innovation and quality continuity often require the initiative and strong will of medical personnel. Therefore, the Fetal Medicine Revitalization Association feels that it has been difficult to cultivate the professional MRI technology in fetal medicine over a long period of time. In particular, together with the Department of Radiology and the Veterans Medical Imaging Center of Taipei Veterans General Hospital, we encourage doctors and related researchers in the fields of obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, etc. to actively engage in MRI research projects on "fetal abnormalities and related diseases."

The project officially started in July 2021

Taiwan Fetal Medicine Promotion Association

  • Address: 9F-1, No. 162, Section 2, Zhongshan North Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City 104 (Taipei Service Office) 1F, No. 210, Section 3, Xinbei Boulevard, Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City 242 (Xinzhuang Service Office)

  • Tel: (02) 66041785

  • e-mail:

The Association is supported by the Chinese Social Welfare Federation
Taiwan 113 Abnormal Pregnancy Family Service Program
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